In line with the Disability Discrimination Act, we aim to ensure all our websites conform to the Web Accessibility Initiative.

This initiative provides a whole host of guidelines, which attempt to ensure websites are accessible and usable by people with disabilities.

Disability Friendly

There are too many to mention here, but a few examples of disabilities and the steps we take include:

  • Blindness - Blind people rely on Screen Readers to navigate a website by reading out the titles of links on the screen. Link titles therefore need to indicate what to expect when the links are followed. We never use pages of meaningless link titles such as "Click Here" or "More...".
  • Upper Mobility Impairments - There are a number of conditions where people find using a mouse difficult and instead use a keyboard to navigate through the links on websites. This creates a problem when they need to reach links within the content of a page as it often requires a press of the "Tab" key for every navigational banner and menu link first. All of our websites carry a "Skip Navigation" link which takes keyboard users straight to the content.
  • Photosensitive Epilepsy - Just as with television programs, screen flickering or flashing from animation on websites can trigger seizures at a particular refresh rate. We recommend avoiding unnecessary menu animation or quickly moving banners and adverts.

You can read more about how EasierThan Website Design make our websites accessible on our accessibility page.

Does It Matter?

If you don't know anyone with a disability, many people's first reaction is does all this really matter that much?

Well, if not from a moral or legal perspective, consider it from a business angle. There are millions (available figures vary) of registered disabled people in the UK, an estimated two million of whom have significant sight loss.

Many of these people will require websites with accessibility features and that's a lot of potential revenue to ignore!

Readable Text

Take poor eyesight, a complaint so common that everyone will know someone who suffers from it. We tackle this in four ways:

  • By using a good size font such as this one.
  • By always using a high contrast background, most often black on white, to make sure the text stands out.
  • By using a clean basic font such as Arial or Verdana.
  • By making that font resizable via the user's browser or operating system.

After all, the best content in the world is useless if some people are unable to read it!

Our Approach

EasierThan Website Design offer affordable web design with an emphasis on functionality, usability and most importantly, end results.

For information about our approach to web development, visit our about us and functional web design pages. Some example websites and testimonials from a number of customers are also available.

Call for a Quote

For a free, no obligation quotation, please call or get in touch via our enquiry form:

Fylde, Wyre and Beyond

Based in Cleveleys on the Fylde Coast, our clients are based locally and around much of the North West, including:

Great Eccleston
Knott End-on-Sea
Over Wyre
And more...

Wherever you are, please contact us for a no-obligation quote.

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